Tag: touristic destinations

¿Cómo sacarle el máximo provecho a tu viaje a la playa con un rent a car?

The best places of Costa Rica to enjoy during the summer

With 143 paradisiacal beaches, 4 active volcanoes and 34 national parks, biological reserves and wildlife refuges, it is not easy to select the best destinations to visit during the summer in Costa Rica.

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Car Rental in Costa Rica with Rioja Renta Car

(Español) La impresionante cantidad de destinos turísticos de playa y montaña concentrados en un territorio tan pequeño como el nuestro, es un ingrediente que atrae a vacacionistas procedentes de todo el mundo.

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Rent a car en Manuel Antonio

Are you going to Manuel Antonio? Renting a car is your best choice

For decades, Manuel Antonio has been one of the most important destinations in Costa Rica, for tourists arriving from all over the world.

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