Car rental in San Vito de Coto Brus

Due to the fresh climate influenced by the Amistad International Park and by the European cultural influence, imported by the Italian Society of Agricultural Colonization, San Vito de Coto Brus is a community that presents different attractions to those offered by other cities in the southeast of Costa Delicious.

San Vito is a welcoming community of hardworking and kind people whose repeated efforts have allowed it to overcome devastating disappointments. The town began to take shape at the beginning of the 1950s, with the arrival of a group of Italian families. The road was built by the lowlands, to what is now Paso Canoas.

The city of San Vito

With the guidance of Vito Sansonetti, they built an airport and opted to produce coffee, which became the main sustenance of their economy when it did not enter the cyclical periods of price crisis. Years later, they also counted on the roads that communicate them with Ciudad Neily, by the Row of Cal, and the Interamerican highway, by the Real Step.

The climatic conditions and the fertile lands of San Vito and its surroundings are suitable for the production of vegetables, coffee, sugar cane, bananas and beans, products that, together with livestock, sustain the economy of the region.

San Vito is a beautiful city to visit. Nearby there are tourist projects of great appeal, such as:

  • The Wilson Botanical Garden and Las Cruces Biological Station, with more than 1000 species of plants from Costa Rica. In the Garden is the most extensive collection of palm trees in the world.
  • La Amistad International Park: 200,000 hectares of protected land, shared by Costa Rica and Panama.
  • The Protective Zone las Tablas: Area of ​​extraordinary biological life, where the rivers that provide the water supply for the residents of San Vito.
  • The paradisiacal Panamanian tourist area of ​​Volcán-Bambito, province of Chiriquí.

Rent a car in San Vito

To make the most of your visit to San Vito, travel in a comfortable vehicle of the year. In Rioja Rent a Car we provide it to you. You can rent it online, from anywhere in the world, and we take it to the place of the national territory where you request it.

Our fleet is made up of SUV or 4X4 vehicles. Also, we offer other services, such as prepaid mobile phone, optional insurance, bilingual driver, GPS, and transfer. Contact us; it will be a pleasure to serve you.

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