Car rental in Puntarenas

Puntarenas is one of the two provinces that run along the Costa Rican Pacific coast and one of the national’s greatest tourist attractions due to its multiple natural riches.

It is one of the most important cities of Costa Rica and a starting point for millions of adventures by land or sea. Its importance comes from the Puntarenas port.

In addition to being a community that has practically all the goods and services that can be found in a big city, Puntarenas is a starting point to visit the entire Pacific coast, including the province of Guanacaste and a hundred territories such as the San Lucas Island, Cocos Island, Chira Island and the Violines Island, etc.

It is impossible to do a tour around Puntarenas without stopping to contemplate the cathedral, one of the local architectural monuments par excellence, and then take a walk around by the Paseo de los Turistas (Tour of the travelers), with its hotels, bars, ice cream and nightclubs located in front of the sea.

It’s Impossible not to taste a seafood meal, a vigorón, a puntarena’s Ceviche, a glass of chuchecas or an exquisite “churchill” – multi-layer slush that inherited its name from a foreigner, enthusiastic consumer of slushes.

A return to Puntarenas

Everything can be done in a vehicle from Rioja Rent a Car. We put at your disposal the SUV or 4X4 vehicle you choose and we will deliver it wherever you ask. We have a fleet of new vehicles, in the best conditions and with the features that you like most, so you can enjoy Costa Rica with full safety and maximum comfort with your family or a group of friends.

With Rioja Rent a Car, you can rent a vehicle online from anywhere in the world. In addition, we offer you additional services, such as a prepaid mobile phone, optional insurance, a bilingual driver, GPS, transfer, these services are provided 24 hours a day, every day of the week to solve any problem you can have.

On our website you will find a form that will make easy for you to rent a vehicle. You can contact us via email at and Make your reservation in advance!

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