Car rental in Pérez Zeledón

Perez Zeledon Costa Rica is the canton number 19 in the province of San José (Costa Rica), located in the south region of the country Brunca.

Its capital and largest city is San Isidro de El General. To access the canton is necessary to cross the Cerro de la Muerte (traveling the highway or (Costa Rica), in a good way over 3000 meters, and which owes its name to the harsh cold nights they explored who lived on a beginning.

Perez Zeledon is a thriving city in southeastern Costa Rica. It is part of the province of San José, where the capital of Costa Rica is located, but it is bordered by four cantons in the province of Puntarenas, two in Cartago and one in Limón.

It is a beautiful territory colonized from the late nineteenth century by farmers, ranchers, and merchants from the Central Valley. Hence the great influence that the visitor can appreciate, about the influence that agriculture and agroindustry have on the economy of Pérez Zeledon.

But this is a canton that has a strategic location that allows the tourist to enjoy a huge tourist offer, beach or mountain: all the Pacific coastline of the center and south of the country and natural treasures such as the national parks Manuel Antonio, Corcovado and Chirripó (which is part of La Amistad International Park, shared with Panama).

The header of Perez Zeledon is San Isidro de El General, a community of 70 thousand inhabitants, small but with the services and amenities you can find in a big city: hotels, restaurants, hospitals, pharmacies, supermarkets, universities, social communication, etc.

San Isidro can be reached from San José by two routes; One is by the coastal road, which allows the traveler to visit a long list of coastal communities and abundant beaches. The other is by the inter-American highway south, through the mountain range of Talamanca. This second route, 136 kilometers between San José and San Isidro, is relatively short, but it allows the traveler to imagine the efforts that the colonizers should have made, walking through open bites in the virgin forest.

An enjoyable trip with Rioja Rent a Car

At the highest point, it is known as “Cerro de la Muerte,” due to the low temperatures and inclement and primitive conditions, which made colonization an epic historical stage.

But today, the stretch of road that connects the Central valleys, where San José is located, and El General, is completely paved. The journey time is about three hours, although it is possible that you extend it to taste and discretion if the clear atmosphere allows you to see the Atlantic and Pacific oceans from the same point of the road.

Traveling on either route is a great experience, and of course, although there is a good service of collective transport of passengers, it is ideal to travel in a comfortable and safe vehicle such as those offered in Rioja Rent a Car. Our car rental is available whenever you need it.

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