Car rental in Ojochal

If one is wondering about one of the tourist towns of better strategic location, it is necessary to mention Ojochal, a community puntarenense of the corner of Osa located at a point equidistant between Dominical and Palmar Norte, in the coastal road of Costa Rica.

The unique location of Ojochal suggests the proximity of a sequence of paradisiac beaches to visit: Dominical, Ventanas, Tortuga, Piñuela, and Ballena, without missing Hermosa and Uvita, at the meeting point of which forms an impressive dolphin shaped whale tail, where visitors usually walk, during low tide.

It is the ideal place to travel to natural treasures such as the neighboring Marino Ballena National Park, Corcovado National Park, and the Esferas Park declared a World Heritage Site.

In its surroundings, you can do different activities such as hiking, canopy, diving, surfing and visit to mangroves and rivers.

The community of Ojochal is reached by the coastal road, which connects with the inter-American road in Palmar Norte. You can travel by bus, but the idea is to have a vehicle available, to enjoy the abundant tourist offer of the area.
In Rioja Rent a Car we are a car rental where we offer the option to rent the car that you need, and we can also take your vehicle to the airport where you request it.

We also offer complementary services, such as prepaid mobile phone, optional insurance, bilingual driver, GPS, transfer and, of course, a 24 hours a day attention, every day of the week, to solve any problem.

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