Car rental in Drake Bay / Sierpe

From the Drake community, a village located in the northeastern part of the Osa Peninsula, it is possible to travel to Isla del Caño, an amazingly beautiful national park specially for beach lovers thanks to its coral reefs, marine life and the Sirena Station, main gateway to the Corcovado National Park. Drake can be reached by two routes: either a sea or land route.

In it you can find the flora and fauna from the land and sea, gentle waves and that overwhelming sense of isolation that people from the city love so much.

The difference is that there are now hotels and hostels as well as food and transportation services. The tourism development, subtly respectful of nature, allows the visitor to fish, swim and dive, among other water sports, as well as hiking along trails breathing pure air and listening the sounds of nature.

You can enjoy this place even more if you have a safe vehicle available to provide you freedom and comfort.


If your vacations in Drake starts in Sierpe, you can use an SUV since the route to all cities of the country can be done on asphalted roads. If your adventure takes you by the route of Puerto Jiménez, then 4X4 would be better.

The most suitable vehicle

Everything is better when having a good vehicle. In Rioja Rent a Car we have a fleet of brand new so you can travel around Drake safely and comfortably. You can contact us by calling our phone numbers or sending an email, alternatively, you can hire our services by filling the form available on our website.

See our vehicles; Choose the one that suits you better and we’ll deliver it to the place on the national territory you want. We also offer additional services such as a prepaid mobile phone, optional insurance, bilingual driver, GPS and transfer.

We are at your service 24 hours a day, every day of the week. Contact us now, reserve your vehicle in advance and enjoy Drake.

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