Rio Costa Rica Rainforest

A one hour drive east from San José, the capital city of Costa Rica, or approximately fifty-six kilometers Guapiles way on one of the newest and best highways in the country.

The Bosque Lluvioso Río Costa Rica is a rainforest preservation project in partnership between the Institute Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio), a Costa Rican NGO commissioned to inventory the entire biodiversity of Costa Rica, and the Bosque Lluvioso Foundation  (the Foundation), a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Corporation, based in Salt Lake City, Utah, established for the purpose of finding ways to preserve some of the few remaining tracts of virgin rainforests in Costa Rica.

The Bosque Lluvioso Rio Costa Rica is a scientific research station and Exploratory situated in the heart of Costa Rica. It is a place where methods of preserving the natural wonders of a tropical rainforest while simultaneously improving human health and prosperity are being explored. The Project was established in partnership with the people of Costa Rica to exemplify the highest ideals of sustainable development as this challenging expression has been, and is, being defined by modern civilization. We are committed to providing an inspiring global model of economic prosperity balanced with natural resource preservation, now and for future generations to come.

The Bosque Lluvioso Río Costa Rica represents the integration of preservation and prosperity with a deep sense of the interconnectedness of all life, in a manner that honors the traditional values of local cultures. The physical expression of these ideals can be found in the Master Plan for the Bosque  in which state-of-the art green-building technologies are utilized in the creation of an exciting Exploratory of the wonders of tropical rainforests. On every level of activity the project promotes direct experience combined with the most sophisticated research and science-based information systems as the key to understanding the interrelationships of all living systems and the fragility of our place in the ecology of the planet.

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