
Ocotal,Beach Ocotal,Beach Ocotal,Beach Ocotal,Beach Ocotal,Beach

Playa Ocotal is located 39 kms from the City of Liberia, via the Guardia-Sardinal-Playas del Coco road, and then following a gravel road

Playa Ocotal is a small population that is about 3 km south of El Coco on the Pacific coast north of Costa Rica. The beach at Playa Ocotal is one of the best places in the area to snorkel. Playa Ocotal is also one of the cleanest beaches and calm in the sector.

If you are interested in scuba diving, Isla Cantina This just off the coast of Playa Ocotal is a great spot where you will find schools of striped and a score of tropical fish.

Playa Ocotal is a calm sandy beach about one third of a mile long and is ideal for swimming, snorkeling and other outdoor activities. It is the perfect place to rest, relax and enjoy peace and quiet.

Playa Ocotal is located 39 kilometers from the city of Liberia, via the road-Guard Sardinal-Playa del Coco and then continuing with a gravel road.

Ocotal is the gate to the Gulf of Papagayo. It is a small beach 700 mts. protected by hills and cliffs of metamorphic sedimentary rocks 80 million years. The sand is mixed with clear rock formations and dry forests of the hills. Along with West Point and Pico Cirial Florida to a place up north with a beautiful scene where the sand is dotted with shiny piles of rocks, hills covered with tropical dry forests and jagged coastline a bit spoiled by knock surf .

The sea air is tinged with a whitish haze that many curators believe that is full of negative ions and small charged particiculas electricity have beneficial effects on people, animals and plants. Ocotal is the advantage of its idyllic beach that combines this energy with hours and hours of sunshine, a temperate climate and a warm water of a blue sea invites. Finally during the dry season (December-April) there are 9 hours of sunlight a day and 4-5 during the rainy or green season.

Playa Ocotal is a small but attractive beach 3-4 miles southeast of Playas del Coco. The beach is clean and quiet area and offers good swimming and snorkeling. Scuba diving is also located very near the Catalina Island that is recommended as a great dive because it is the best place to see a school of stingrays including the giant manta rays. The accommodations are good but expensive. Camping is possible but it is not usual and is a better pass discrete time. The southern tip of the beach to snorkel is recommended

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