Playa Conchal is located 2 kms from Playa Brasilito. To get there, take the route Liberia- Guardia- Filadelfia- Belén- Huacas- Playa Brasilito.
Playa Conchal is located 2 kms from Playa Brasilito. To get there, take the route Liberia- Guardia- Filadelfia- Belén- Huacas- Playa Brasilito- Playa Conchal. Playa Brasilito and Conchal make up a unit seperated by the rock headlands of Punta Conchal. Its name is derived that the sand is made up of millions of cruched shells that constitute a rare environment. along the 1,5 km lon beach, manzanillo-, madero negro-, brasil-, and some ear trees can be observed.
The beaches are drenched in sunshine, this being one of their most valued attractions. The sun shines between 11-12 hours a day during the dry season (December-April), heating the coastal system with an average maximum temperature of 36°C during March and April, and an average annual temperature of 27.7°C Rainfall is around 1800 mm, but last only a short time, giving way to an exhausting drought where streches of tawny terrain alternate with grassland and stands of mayflower, wild cotton, swollen-thorn acacia and some cacti.