Brasilito Beach

Playa Brasilito is located 45 kms from the town of Santa Cruz or 70 kms. from Liberia

Playa Brasilito is located 45 kms from the town of Santa Cruz or 70 kms. from Liberia. To get there, take the route Liberia- Guardia- Filadelfia- Belén- Huacas- Playa Brasilito. Next to Playa Conchal the beach is a little more than 2 kms log. It has a great scenic beauty with an extensive littorial area that invites to be visited. The town of Brasilito has a small infrastructure with several hotels, shops, bars and restaurants and an Internet Café. One can rent horses, Motorbikes, Diving equipment and much more.

The beaches are drenched in sunshine, this being one of their most valued attractions. The sun shines between 11-12 hours a day during the dry season (December-April), heating the coastal system with an average maximum temperature of 36°C during March and April, and an average annual temperature of 27.7°C Rainfall is around 1800 mm, but last only a short time, giving way to an exhausting drought where streches of tawny terrain alternate with grassland and stands of mayflower, wild cotton, swollen-thorn acacia and some cacti.

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