Indian Reserve Bribris

Indian Reserve Bribris Indian Reserve Bribris Indian Reserve Bribris Indian Reserve Bribris Indian Reserve Bribris

They are located on Indian Reservations of Salitre and Cabagra in the canton of Buenos Aires, South Pacific, in the province of Puntarenas and north of the Indigenous Reserve of Talamanca, in the canton of the same name, in the South Atlantic County Limo

They are one of the most numerous. They are located on Indian Reservations of Salitre and Cabagra in the canton of Buenos Aires, South Pacific, in the province of Puntarenas and north of the Indigenous Reserve of Talamanca, in the canton of the same name, the South Atlantic in the province of Limón. The Bibrí retains its language both orally and in writing. Its most important activity is agriculture, especially cocoa and bananas, also grow corn, beans and tubers. Raising pigs, hunt birds and fish. Its expression is handmade basketry and manufacture of musical instruments, which used natural elements. Are mobilized through boats and rafts on the river Sixaola on the border with Panama.

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