Borucas o Bruncas Indian Reserve

Borucas o Bruncas Indian Reserve Borucas o Bruncas Indian Reserve Borucas o Bruncas Indian Reserve

The indigenous group is located on the Indian Reservation Boruca, consisting of several communities. Center Boruca, Rey Curre, based on the Interamerican Highway South, Changuena, Corn and Bijagual, all these in the canton of Buenos Aires

The indigenous group is located on the Indian Reservation Boruca, consisting of several communities. Center Boruca, Rey Curre, based on the Interamerican Highway South, Changuena, Corn and Bijagual, all these in the canton of Buenos Aires. Very few features of their ethnicity, their native language has disappeared, despite the efforts of the University of Costa Rica. Have a rural economy, agriculture is of basic grains, have also raising pigs and cattle. Its expression is tissue craft, beginning with the planting of cotton, and ready to use vegetable dyes and culminating in the drafting of articles of good quality and very attractive. Jícaras also work with their own style. The "Dance of the Diablitos" is his most important demonstrations culurales and dissemination, is the December 31 of each year.

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