It is located between the cantons and Guatuso Upala Alajuela, Canas, and Bagaces Tilarán of the Province of Guanacaste. This area is located in the Cordillera de Guanacaste Volcanic
Area: 12.872 hectares (30.892 acres)
Established: 16/3/76
It has an area of 12,871 hectares and a maximum altitude of 1,916 meters above sea level.
This park has great climatic diversity, because the area is influenced by the Atlantic Coast and the Pacific slope. This makes it attractive for national and international tourists who have the opportunity to enjoy a great scenic beauty in addition to forestry and animal species to the site.
Among the biggest attractions of the place is the waterfall of the river Celeste, the famous Blue River, views panrámicas, vapor and thermal springs, streams within the forest and Teñideros. It also has a nature trail called "Mysteries of the Tenorio, with a distance of 3,200 meters and last approximately three hours.
The park’s climate is influenced Caribbean and the Pacific slope, which is reflected in the quantity and distribution pattern of habitats present, including: low montane rainforest, forest very h £ medo tropical tropical transition to pre – , wet tropical forest, wet forest dominated the pre-pre rainforest.
Its temperature ranges between 15 ° and 24 ° Celsius and the average annual rainfall is 3,500 mm.
The flora is very diverse especially high diversity of palms, heliconias, ferns, bromeliads, orchids and others. As for the trees, stand the aguacatillos, Zapote, pylons, Lauraceae, Mary, and the oak Jicaro giving, which is endemic to this mountain range and is characterized by flowers and fruits attached to the trunk.
Among the fauna are the following varieties: the tapir, peccary, mountain goat, squirrel, monkey-faced and Congo, puma, jaguae, manigordo, anteater, birds like the bell bird, turkeys, and other trogons.
Information, drinking water, toilets, laboratories and accommodation for researchers.