It is located on the Mountain range of Guanacaste, province of Guanacaste and Alajuela, 27 km to the North-East of the city of Liberia.
The Law was created mendiante Not. 5398, of October 23, 1973. It is provided with an extension of 14.083.9 hectares.
One of the big benefits of this wild area is the protection of hydrographic basins. In this park exite probably, the biggest population in wild state of the purple guaria, the national flower. It has big potful ncial tourist due to the attractions that it possesses, specifically the scenic beauty and the geologic features.
The massif of the Corner of the Old woman, of 1.916 meters of the altitude, is a compound structure. In the top nine eruptive points have been identified, I activate one and the remaining inactive ones or in process of degradation. Towards the south of the crá; ter, one finds a lagoon of pure water.
The last eruptive strong period, with throwing of big clouds of ash and production of earthquakes and underground noises, happened between 1966 and 1970. The most recent eruptions happened in 1983, 1984 and 1991.At present, the Corner of the Old woman presents activity fumarólica.
On the foot of the volcano, of the south side, the areas called The Large pans are and The Burners, which cover a surface of approximately 50 there is. There exist here thermal sources, which give place to gorges of very warm water; lagoons solfat*aacut and; rich occupied by small depressions in which the muddy water bubbles continuously, orifices where steam jets rise, particularly during the rainy station, and volcancitos of mud in forms and dimensions very different you give.
The Corner of the Old woman presents diverse habitats due to the differences in altitude and in precipitation, to the effect of the volcanic eruptions and to the guy of slope. In the lowest parts, some of the árbo more common they are: the laurel, the guanacaste, the olive tree, the ardillo, the naked Indian, the bitter cedar and the white capulín.
In the intermediate parts of the massif, between 1200 and 1400 m.s.n.m.the most abundant trees are: the copey, the curd, the jícaro danto, the papayillo, the burío mouse, the yos, the iguano, the oak, the bush – people and the white cipr és.
Of 1400 meters even next to the top, the forests are of low height and the trees prove to be very branched and silverware of mosses and toras epífitas. The most common species here are: the copyey, the papayillo, the cresp and oacute; n. The top of the volcano is covered by ash and presents few vegetation, some of the present plants are the copey and the sunshade of poor person.
The copey is adorning sometimes almost pure forests; there the felines, the dantas, the gongolonas and the black kettles are very numerous.
In the park 257 species of birds have been observed: the calandría, the peacock, the goldfinch, the golden oriole of Montezuma, the riverside swallow, the tucancillo or curré green, the red widow, the hummingbird colidorado, or ropopo or owl of glasses, the female parrot frentiblanca and the curassow.Some of the mammals are: the cabro of mount, the peccary, the guatuza, the tolomuco, the armadillo, the bear colmenero, the perzoso of two fingers and the monkeys congo, carablanca and coloured. The insects are very abundant, there stand out the beautiful ma riposas morfo of which four species exist.