Lomas Barbudal Biological Reservation

Lomas Barbudal Biological Reservation Lomas Barbudal Biological Reservation Lomas Barbudal Biological Reservation

Lomas Barbudal Biological Reserve is located in San Ramon de Bagaces, 15 km southwest of the city of Bagaces, Province of Guanacaste

Its establishment as the national reserve by Executive Order NO. 16849-MAG of 23 January 1986. It has an area of 2.279 hectares.

  This reserve protects a dry tropical forest rich in species of insects, particularly bees, wasps and butterflies and moths. It is estimated that there are about 250 species of bees and moths 60.

Another feature that makes Lomas Barbudal a very important wildlife area, is present even during the summer of abundant sources of water such as river Cabuya, numerous streams and natural sources.

Barbudal has several plant associations such as the wooded savanna, evergreen forest, riparian forest next to the watercourses and the dry tropical forest, the latter being the largest. In the woods most of deciduous trees lose their leaves during the dry season. The most common species here are: pochote the naked indian, El Jobo, the yellow rind, rum, rum, bay leaf, tap on the mule and malacahuite.

Riparian forests are found along rivers and streams. They are evergreen forest, dense and diverse and rich in solitary bees. The Espavel the gaupinol, the medlar, the cinnamon, yellow and Ojoche Cocora are common species such ene forest.

The savanna is an open area to covered with grass and scattered trees with species chumico wooden or raspaguacal and night. There are hills Barbudal species of hardwood trees such as rum-rum, pochote the cristóbal the mahogany and cocobolo that are in danger of extinction in the country eresot.

Many of these trees, shrubs and other plants under large number of excellent on fruit, nectar, pollen and oils for birds and insects mamífereos such as domestic and wild bees. There are about 250 species of bees in Lomas Barbudal. These species are a major area of entomological importance, because many of them are unique in the country and are at a high concentration of numbers and diversity in a relatively small area such as the wooded savannah.

Mammals are not abundant. However, there are white-tailed deer, and faced Momos Congo; mapaches pizotes, Sain, squirrels and lions Brenner and others. There is also a large number of reptiles and fish.

As for the birds in this area have been observed around 130 espeices, most features of Pavones, the tuft of yellow loreas, the king of vultures, the toucan Curré or black,

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