Guanacaste National Park

Guanacaste National Park Guanacaste National Park Guanacaste National Park

It is located in the province of Guanacaste, North Pacific, 36 km north of the city of Liberia


32,512 hectares.


Contains a large ecological diversity distributed in forests: tropical wet, tropical moist, tropical dry and cloudy. The upper parts of the park is represented by the massifs of Orosi and Cacao volcanoes. The park covers about 200 km2 with evidence of volcanic craters, ancient craters of Orosi and Cacao are the most prominent. It is also important to mention that among the hill and Volcán Cacao Orosito born rivers such as drowning and Colorado, then, along with other rivers, form the river Tempisque, the main collector of Guanacaste.

The park preserves the largest herd of mountain pigs (Tayassu pecari) of the Guanacaste Conservation Area. In itself is a biological corridor that allows altitudinal seasonal migration of large numbers of species such as insects, birds and mammals that descend to Santa Rosa during the dry period and amount to the higher, Orosi Volcano and Cocoa.


Maritza Sector: Forest type transition from dry forest to rain forest, aquatic insects, bird watching, water sources, streams and creeks.

Pitillas Sector: The rain forest, bird watching, observation of Lake Nicaragua.

Cocoa Sector: Forest transition dry – moist cloud forest lower, top of the volcano (requires permission to climb to the summit), bird watching, the viewpoint Pedregal.


For its size, location and climatic diversity, both in the Atlantic Coast and the Pacific, the park has a rich biodiversity in its evergreen rain forest. The forest on the peaks of Orosi and Cacao volcanoes is primary, Excel epiphytic plants such as bromeliads and orchids, there are ferns, mosses and Araceae. In this park there are about 3,000 species of plants. The dominant species are Mary Tempisque the cork, the Capulino, giving the Jicaro and golden fruit. Out the diversity of birds, there are around 300, including the kettle, the goldfinch, the Oropéndola Montezuma, the tucancillo, the king of vultures, or the oropopo owl eyeglasses, the bell bird, the umbrella bird, the magpie and the cargahuesos, among others. Some of the mammals are the most representative tepezcuinte, deer, jaguar, the Cariblanco, puma, the tapir, the pizotes, the peccary, armadillo, and sloth tolomuco the two fingers. Estimates on the number of species of butterflies and moths, there are about 5,000 species.


Information, drinking water, toilets, meeting rooms, lodging, food researchers and trails.

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