Category: Eco-Tourism

Facilidades de renta

Rental facilities for foreigners in Costa Rica

Wherever you go, Costa Rica offers an immense set of tourist attractions that push the visitors to make the most of their stay.

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Car Rental in Costa Rica with Rioja Renta Car

(Español) La impresionante cantidad de destinos turísticos de playa y montaña concentrados en un territorio tan pequeño como el nuestro, es un ingrediente que atrae a vacacionistas procedentes de todo el mundo.

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Car Rental to travel to Tortuguero, in Costa Rica

Due to its outstanding beauty, the Tortuguero National Park is one of the most emblematic tourist destinations in Costa Rica. It is a network of navigable channels in the northern sector of the province of Limón which stands out for its flora and fauna.

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Lugares de Costa Rica para visitar en época lluviosa

Best places to visit in Costa Rica during the rainy season

In Costa Rica there is no winter and summer seasons as you may know. There are a dry season and a rainy season, no extreme temperatures, no snow, no suffocating heat.

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Destinos turisticos / Tourist places

Tourist places in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is an emblematic country that began to push towards the protection of the environment since the 70s, this initiative has allowed the country to develop a powerful industry based on ecological tourism. In this small territory of just 51 thousand square kilometers, Costa Rica has 300 beaches, 34 protected zones (including national parks, […]

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Rent a Cart in Costa Rica

Travel around Costa Rica with the best Rent a Car

With a territory of just 50.900 square kilometers, Costa Rica is a nationwide model for the economic, social and political development and coexistence.

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Costa Rica wins award for best stand of the tourism fair in Berlin Costa Rica wins award for best stand of the tourism fair in Berlin Costa Rica wins award for best stand of the tourism fair in Berlin

Costa Rica gana premio a mejor stand de la feria de turismo en Berlín

Esta es la segunda ocasión en que Costa Rica gana premios por la belleza de stand: el año pasado ya lo habí­a logrado…

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Costa Rica Ecotourism

We believe it important to provide our customers with information about the importance of ecotourism worldwide and practices that took place in Costa Rica to promote it.

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Costa Rica Beaches Costa Rica Beaches Costa Rica Beaches

Costa Rica Beaches

We’ve all heard of the tourist attractions of Costa Rica

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