Category: Eco-Tourism

¿Cómo sacarle el máximo provecho a tu viaje a la playa con un rent a car?

How to get the most out of your trip to the beach with a rent a car?

It’s summer, we are in vacation time and your body asks for it and you know you deserve it: sun, sand, sea and a cool drink. Therefore, we bring you several tips so that you can get the most out of that family trip that you want to take so much to the beach if […]

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ICT requests the government to proceed with the opening of international airports.

In the first phase of diagnosis and priority setting, the Institution has held constant meetings with multiple chambers of the tourism sector and international agencie

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In the first phase of diagnosis and priority setting, the Institution has held constant meetings with multiple chambers of the tourism sector and international agencie

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Costa Rica will host the world tourism and services meeting in 2020.

This meeting addresses topics as diverse as the latest trends in sustainable tourism, adventure and well-being, where Costa Rica has positioned its leadership in the world in recent years.

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Costa Rica number one destination in the world, says Condé Nast Traveler

The beauty of the coasts and coastlines between the two great oceans, is one of the largest treasures in the country and an invitation for tourists from all over the world.

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