Country achieved record earnings and visitors tourism

Country achieved record earnings and visitors tourism Country achieved record earnings and visitors tourism Country achieved record earnings and visitors tourism

Dollar income was 9% and travelers of 5.5% compared to 2014

Businesses say good promotion and influencing rebound in world economy

Costa Rica records achieved in 2015 both in the number of tourists, with the arrival of 2,665,608 visitors, as in generating visits in this sector, as it reached $ 2.882 million.

The figures provided yesterday by the Costa Rican Institute of Tourism (ICT) indicate that the number of tourists last year grew by 5.5% from the 2,526,817 recorded in 2014.

In the case of revenue growth is 9% over the $ 2,636,000 earned by this activity in 2014. Figures for 2015 are projections, because the officers are that provide the Central Bank, said the minister Tourism, Mauricio Ventura.

Indeed, the Central Bank notes with optimism the behavior of tourism revenues in the coming years, according to projections of its 2016-2017 macroeconomic program.

Tourist arrivals recorded an increase since 1984, only courts in 2001, reflecting the impact of the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in the United States and, in 2009, by the global economic crisis.

Positive figures. United States, the main source of tourists to Costa Rica, grew 8% last year in number of people. He went from 997,262 travelers in 2014 to 1,077,044 in 2015, according to data submitted.

European arrivals grew by 6.1% last year, displaying a strong increase of 20.1% in arrivals from the UK.

The influx of tourists from South America increased by 13%, particularly involving Brazil and Argentina stressed the ICT. This means that gradually, the region becomes relevant market.

Although not yet have the figures of 2015, ICT noted a marked increase in the average length of stay in days, which increased from 11 in 2010 to 13.4 in 2014.

Moreover, the average expenditure per tourist was moved from $ 1,171 to $ 1,431 between 2010 and 2014.

There is no reason to drop in 2015, according to Ventura.

Factors. The Minister agrees with the private sector in that outcome is due to the excellent positioning of the country on the market and for the purposes of promotion campaigns.
Heriberto Pablo Abarca, President of the National Chamber of Tourism (Canatur) and Gustavo Araya, president of the Costa Rican Chamber of Hotels (CCH), added the impact of the participation of Costa Rica in the 2014 World Cup.
According Abarca, the private sector has also come to understand the industry in terms of electronic selling. That means a good position in social networks, streamlining of sales and reserves, and compete globally.
Araya said that he had predicted for 2014 a good 2015 for tourism, the impact of participation in the World Cup, the expected recovery of the US economy and low oil prices.
