Eight Airlines Being Courted By Tourism Ministry To Add Costa Rica To Its List Of Destinations

Eight Airlines Being Courted By Tourism Ministry To Add Costa Rica To Its List Of Destinations Eight Airlines Being Courted By Tourism Ministry To Add Costa Rica To Its List Of Destinations Eight Airlines Being Courted By Tourism Ministry To Add Costa Rica To Its List Of Destinations

Costa Rica Minister of Tourism

The Minister of Tourism in Costa Rica International Airlines in talks with more to bring more tourists

Eight Airlines Being Courted By Tourism Ministry To Add Costa Rica To Its List Of Destinations

Getting to and from Costa Rica may soon be much easier as the ministerio de Turismo is currently negotiating with eight airlines to add Costa Rica to their list of destinations.

Carlos Ricardo Benavides, the ministro de Turismo, did no say the names of the airlines, only saying that five are from South America, one from the United States and two from Europe.

The minister said that negotiations have been ongoing for several month –  three months with the South Americans and US, while eight months with the Europeans.

The objective is to have more airlines bringing more people to Costa Rica, though it is not an easy task, according to Benavides who explained that before an airline can add a new destination to its route there are many factors involved, including its profitability.



