Airline finance are strong and dedicated to making investments
EE. UU., Canadá y Suramérica en la mira in the sight
The Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT) considers that the present moment is favorable for the attraction of new flights to Costa Rica. According to the entity, the fall in fuel prices and the global realignment of forces in the market for airlines, allows them to these companies have the resources to invest in new routes. So felt the Minister of Tourism, Mauritius Ventura, and the adviser of the CTI in attraction of airlines, Jean Marc Bourreau, in a seminar with representatives of the press. According to Ventura, the center of the United States, western Canada and South America are regions of origin conducive to the attraction of signatures to Costa Rica. He also mentioned to Europe and, in the longer term, market research, such as the Nordic countries, Russia, China and Japan.
The Minister explained that, between the 2008 -when you design a strategy to attract airlines – and the present, is achieving the arrival of 11 airlines new companies to the Juan Santamaria Airport. This meant a total of 603,445 additional seating to the air terminal. Of the total number of seats achieved, 301,823 are actually occupied by passengers of origin, according to data from the ICT. Terminal to the Daniel Oduber, in Liberia , entered, in the period, eight new airlines, which added 425,233 seats per year. A total of 326,177 passengers cash source was obtained in Liberia. Between the two terminals, Costa Rica attracted 1,028,728 seats between 2009 and the date; of them, 628,000 chairs with effective use, i.e. a 61 %. The president of the National Chamber of Tourism, Paul Covers, said that it is not only to attract airlines, but also to reduce tariffs.