1,000 passengers a month used airline Veca

1,000 passengers a month used airline Veca 1,000 passengers a month used airline Veca 1,000 passengers a month used airline Veca

Already obtained final permits in costa rica

Veca to Costa Rica flights out of the airport in El Salvador, where Avianca also has an operations center.

The new airline Economic Flights of Central America (Veca) reported that it transported about 1.000 passenger in its first month of giving services of a formal way. The company, which head office is in El Salvador, popped in on the regional market with a proposal of low cost, which allows him to compete with Avianca and Cup, which similar routes have in Central America. Veca offers, at present, flights between Guatemala, El Salvador and Costa Rica. It comes to Costa Rica with three weekly services, on Mondays, Tuesday and Friday, from the last February 25, according to information that delivered the signature. At the end of November, 2014, Juan Santamaría informed the new airline about its arrival to the international airport, by means of the charter service and with the use of the permission of another company. The commercial flights, from February 25, were realized by a provisional operation guarantee, he confirmed the Headquarters of Civil aviation. The authorization won on April 12 of this year. Nevertheless, the company already obtained the development certificate, to operate from last April 13. “At level of Costa Rica the operation has had a big success, little by little the passengers’ quantity has increased with origin in Costa Rica, for the motive of the tariffs in the comparative one with the competition”, told Jeffrey Ríos, lawyer and spokesman of Veca in the country. Competition. Claudia Arenas, director of Communications and Corporate Matters of Avianca, other one of the airlines that flies in the region, told that its represented one is not of low cost, but yes they try to transmit the maximum benefit for the price. “The numbers of Avianca have not turned out to be affected. The Central American markets have maintained an increasing tendency from the second semester of 2014”, it detailed Sand on having answered a consultation about the competition created by Veca. By means of its agency of public relations in Costa Rica, the company Cup Airlines limited itself to saying that, for corporate politics, they do not refer to the operation of other airlines. “This arrival () is important to Veca for the country for the tourism and, also, it contributes other alternatives, flights, tariffs and schedules”, thought Álvaro Vargas, director-general of Civil aviation.
