Costa Rica coffee is the third in recognition of the U.S.

Costa Rica coffee is the third in recognition of the U.S. Costa Rica coffee is the third in recognition of the U.S. Costa Rica coffee is the third in recognition of the U.S.

The costa rican grain is recognized for its quality and origin for 59% of americans, behind only colombia and brazil, according to data from the last study in this regard

United States is the primary market for the national coffee.

The Costa Rican coffee is placed in third place for origin and quality in the recognition of American consumers, behind only Colombia and Brazil (in that order), according to the latest survey by the National Association of Coffee in the United States (NCA, for its acronym in English). United States is the primary market for the national coffee. Purchase the 53% of the grain exports Costa Rica, in accordance with the data of the promoter of Foreign Trade (Procomer). That meant $161.5 million of the $302 million in total gender coffee activity the country in 2013, according to this source. Ronald Peters, executive director of the Institute of Costa Rica coffee (Icafe) explained that it is the third consecutive year that the national grain is placed in third place, which is very satisfactory. "We are behind only large producer countries, as are Colombia and Brazil, and without investing sums in promotion in that market," said Peters. The American asked in a survey to tell the coffee you think and 59% of them pointed out to Costa Rica. Same happened to inquire about the subject of quality, recalled Peter.

"It is a recognition of the quality of the national product, despite the fact that we mean just slightly above the 1% of the global harvest of grain," Peters added. This leads, which on average Costa Rica can sell their coffee at a price $30 per quintal (46 kilos) up in prices at the New York Stock Exchange, while Colombia currently has an average spread of $10 and Brazil sells even below the price of the bag. At the close of trading yesterday, in New York, the quintal was traded at $159.45 . Information from the survey of the NCA was disclosed yesterday in Colombia, where the National Federation of Coffee Growers emphasized that 85% of the American population recognized the drink from that nation.As pointed out a information of the EFE news agency, Colombia is the largest producer of coffee more recognized by American consumers, according to the survey of the product during 2014, reported the National Federation of Coffee Growers (FNC) . The review found that 85% of the population recognizes to Colombia as a producer of coffee, leaving behind Brazil (67 % ), Costa Rica (59 % ), Kenya (33 %) and Vietnam (16 % ), according to a statement from the Colombian guild. The Colombian coffee, the study says, continues to lead the perception of quality linked to the origin any time that the 96% of the respondents consider that it is "good or very good taste". In the United States, the world’s largest market of the grain, the 61% ingested regularly, well above the water from the tap (54 % ), bottled water (46 % ), green tea (44 % ), soda (41 %) and juices (33 % ). The federation also assured that in the study of the NCA stresses that the Colombian coffee is more recognized by their origin by the people who take this drink regularly, with a 89 %, compared to 75% of those who do not take coffee. The harvest of Costa Rican coffee of the 2014-2015 is in its final stage. The January 31 were harvested 1.59 million bushels of fruit in coffee, which correspond to the same amount of quintals of grain benefited (processed). Peters said that according to the progress of the collection is expected to close this period in 1.95 million bushels, a volume similar to the previous period (2013-2014). The American asked in a survey to tell the coffee you think and 59% of them pointed out to Costa Rica. Same happened to inquire about the subject of quality, recalled Peters.

