Infallible tips for traveling with children

Consejos infalibles para viajar con niños

Traveling with your children is an excellent opportunity to offer them new experiences and learning, in addition to enjoying quality time as a family. Therefore, we present 5 infallible tips for traveling with children to combat boredom, upset tummies and the famous question “how much longer?” that always arises during vehicle trips.

  1. Security: The first and most important point. Remember that all children, depending on their weight, height and age, and who measure less than 1.45 meters, must travel in their respective special seat. In addition, those older than this height must always wear a seat belt inside the vehicle during the trip.
  2. Routes: Planning the route and its duration well allows you to define strategic stops to control children’s anxiety. So they can rest, stretch, go to the bathroom, take a breather, and get back on the road. When you return to the car, you can tell them how much is left and where they are going, this way we avoid them constantly asking and we anticipate those queries. If any of the children are older, you can involve them in the planning process, which will make them feel integrated and calmer during the trip.
  3. Snacks: Prepare a travel picnic! Pampering our children with favorite snacks and fruits will help them keep their spirits up during the trip and bring happy stomachs on board. The ideal is to prepare these snacks from home, this way you ensure that you offer healthy food and avoid stops that delay arrival. An extra tip is to carry a variety of things, which allows the children to choose and you to keep consumption under control, avoiding liquid spills that could stain the vehicle.
  4. Fun: Family trips are perfect for strengthening bonds! Take advantage of this time to enjoy and, at the same time, to reinforce knowledge and develop children’s imagination. They can sing, bring their favorite stuffed animals or dolls or play exercises such as: “I see, I see”, chained words, guess who I am, among others. (We promise to expand on this topic later!) However, we recommend not playing videos or games on their phone, as it could upset their stomachs along the way.
  5. Always ready!: Thinking about everything and more is the last piece of advice, but not the least important. It is essential to always carry a complete “in case of emergencies” kit in the vehicle that includes: extra clothes, a change of clothes, wet towels, tissues, band-aids, blankets and medications if necessary. This can be kept in a small basket so that it does not take up much space inside the vehicle.

Now yes! Take advantage of these 5 infallible tips for traveling with children and enjoy, create memories and fill your heart with love for them in a vehicle that allows you to travel with the whole family in the most comfortable way possible.

Remember that at Rioja Rent A Car we have a large fleet of latest model 4×4 vehicles! You can book by writing to our WhatsApp

We are the best way to travel in Costa Rica!

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