Tips to be an environmentally friendly tourist

Tips para ser un turista amigable con el ambiente

Every time we travel, we take a piece of destiny with us. However, we should not leave any mark of our visit on the place. Here we share 6 tips to be an environmentally friendly tourist:

Support the local economy:

By buying local products, you help the producing families and immerse yourself further in the culture of the destination.

Don’t take anything from nature:

Bringing plants or animals, even if they are beautiful, can destabilize the ecosystem of both the place you visit and your home.

Visit protected natural areas:

Expenses made in these places directly help their conservation, since many protected parks depend on income from tickets and products sold.

Use natural resources in moderation:

From tap water to air conditioning, the more moderate you are in your use of resources, the more you will contribute to the sustainability of the place.

Consume local products:

Consuming local products not only supports the development of the area, but also reduces import costs and other associated expenses.

Choose responsible tourism companies:

Opt for companies that guarantee quality, respect for human rights and the environment. This is a great way to reduce the environmental impact of your visit.

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