Income of passengers by airport of Liberia grew 15% in 2014

Income of passengers by airport of Liberia grew 15% in 2014 Income of passengers by airport of Liberia grew 15% in 2014 Income of passengers by airport of Liberia grew 15% in 2014

Between august and december there were increases in arrivals, in all the months, comparatively with the 2013

Most of the passengers arriving at the Daniel Oduber airport come from United States and Canada.

 The income of passengers to the country by the Daniel Oduber International Airport, located in Liberia, Guanacaste, rose 15% last year, rising from 684,142 visitors in 2013 to a total of 789,467 in 2014 as well as informed by the administrator of that airport, the company Coriport, in a press release. According to the company, the increase of more than 105,325 passengers in 2013 is due to improvements in the terminal, since that was delivered in granting three years ago. Currently, there are already 12 airlines that they chose to come with flights to is terminal, located in the region Chorotega, a zone of high-income tourists. The vast majority of visitors come from the United States and Canada, resaltro Coriport. The terminal, in addition to a more attractive silhouette, it complies with international standards that have allowed the attraction of more airlines interested in land in the Region Chorotega, added the airport administrator. Added to this is that there has been a hard work of various organizations that have dedicated themselves to attract new markets through new flights, new destinations, new airlines and to publicize the destination, Coriport noted in the statement. According to the figures, in the months of August to December, when in Costa Rica is the low season, the number of arrivals to the Daniel Oduber increased in all months with regard to the 2013.
