A higher positioning of the country and crisis in the middle have influenced
This year, the national hotel occupancy shows signs of recovery in presenting the best levels of visitation of the past four years.
This year, the national hotel occupancy shows signs of recovery in presenting the best levels of visitation of the past four years. According to data provided by the Costa Rican Chamber of Hotels (CCH), with court to October, during the 2014 reported a 55.8 % average occupancy, 3.39 percentage points compared to 2013. While during the 2012 it was reported a 54.16 per cent and in 2011 a 53.9 %. Gustavo Araya, president of the CCH, explained that the sector has perceived an improvement during this year, which could be generated by various factors, including a higher positioning of the country abroad and the crisis in the middle. "The positioning of the country is still very good and the crisis that the American traveler decides not to cross the Atlantic and stay in the American zone," said Araya. The most enjoy the recovery are entrepreneurs that have hotels on the beach and in the city. Until October, the resorts located in the coastal areas were yielding a level of visitation of 58.38 % and the urbanites of a 57.37 %. Roy Barrantes, representative of Enjoy Group -owner of the hotel The Mangroove in Guanacaste-, mentioned that the occupation for 2014 has been expected. Since the opening of this hotel in March of this year, about 18,000 people have visited. Another resort that has benefited from good levels of visitation is Andaz Peninsula Papagayo Resort Costa Rica. Mariella Heads, director of marketing and communications of the complex, said that Guanacaste is a seasonal zone where the seasons of hosting are most important Holy Week, end of year and the first months of the year, with a rebound that occurs in july and august. For its part, the level of occupation that showed the mountain inns is 49.77 % until October of this year. Gustavo Castillo, representative of the hotel Rio Perlas, located in Orosi of Carthage, indicated that the occupation of 2014 is low in comparison with other years. "The level is almost 35 %, which can be justified because much of the European market that we visit change of destination, to Brazil for the world, for example, or did not travel. To date we have visited 13,300 people," he said. Expectations for 2015. Tour operators will show positive with regard to next year because they expect that the number of visitors, both domestic and foreign, increase. The president of the CCH explained that the country offers stability in issues of security and democracy, aspects that are determining factors when the alien decides to visit a place. "In addition, the participation that made the National Team in the world, put the name of the country very high, which is going to represent the next year has been very curious about wanting to come to the country," he added.