Airlines possible in low rates

Airlines possible in low rates Airlines possible in low rates Airlines possible in low rates

Fall in oil lead reduction

The value of the Tickets could lower the next year, as oil prices are falling and the airlines save money on fuel.

The airline companies predict record profits for 2015, thanks to a cheaper fuel and a growing demand. As a result, expect to cut 5% the average price of tickets in 2015, excluding additional charges and taxes. That may notbe a huge downgrade, if it considers that the price of crude oil dropped by 40 per cent since June, but that is the only thing that the majority of companies can do for now, said yesterday the International Air Transport Association (IATA, for its acronym in english) . The Association, which represents 240 companies of the sector, or 84% of total air traffic, stressed that the airlines are subject to fuel supply contracts that were signed before the decline in prices of crude oil, in the last few months. That is one reason that airlines do not reduce their rates this year, despite the fall in the price of crude oil. In fact, while the demand for flights remains strong, the rates have been rising. But things could begin to change the next year, when the cost of fuel to the airlines reflects the recent decline in energy markets, according to the chief economist of the IATA, Brian Pearce. " Are Going to spend more or less six months before the airlines are experiencing lower costs for fuel and, at that point, it is very likely that consumers see a decline in prices", commented Pearce.
