Second stage is implemented this April
The Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT) is advancing in the design of the plan that will guide the reactivation of the national tourism sector, strongly affected by the pandemic caused by COVID-19. This work is carried out in parallel with the economic and social actions that ICT has accompanied since the beginning of the health emergency to safeguard companies and industry professionals.
Divided into three phases, the plan is outlined with absolute responsibility, considering that the reactivation is subordinated in the first place to the health of our population against the new coronavirus and will take action once the sanitary measures allow it and the borders are reopened .
To prepare it, the Minister of Tourism María Amalia Revelo has held constant meetings with various chambers and tourist associations to listen to their proposals and seek joint solutions.
“The first stage was a review of the current state of our industry, definition of the three main areas of work for reactivation, and the establishment of eight technical teams to design the pertinent strategies for each of the identified priorities,” said Revelo.
The hierarch explained that, in the second stage, to be completed this April, the actions, what, how and when will be defined, as well as the budget available to execute them. Meanwhile, the third phase will be a review and analysis of the plan by the Board of Directors and interested publics to then execute the actions.
Priority areas
The three main work areas are made up of tourists (national and foreign); the business fabric of the Costa Rican tourism industry; and professionals in the tourism sector.
Eight work priorities were also established: attraction of airlines; marketing and promotion (local, international, and specific niches such as meetings); tourist product;; industry companies; training and employment; foreign and national investment; Gulf of Papagayo Tourist Pole and cruises.
The ICT has a working team meeting schedule ready for the next three weeks and once it is met, validated and decisions are made, it will be discussed by the ICT Board of Directors. Feedback will also be received from interested audiences.
“The plan and its corresponding actions will be ready before the relaxation of social distancing and confinement in our homes, and will take effect when the borders are opened and tourism is gradually reactivated in the country,” said the Minister of Tourism. “The date, of course, is subject to the instructions we receive from the health authorities,” said Revelo.
The hierarch reiterated the call for unity of the tourism sector and stated that the plan will be the result of joint work between the public and private sectors, as is customary and historical in the national tourism model.
Note courtesy of the Costa Rican Tourism Institute. (ICT)