ICT invests $3.3 million to attract more tourists from the United States and Canada

ICT invests $3.3 million to attract more tourists from the United States and Canada ICT invests $3.3 million to attract more tourists from the United States and Canada ICT invests $3.3 million to attract more tourists from the United States and Canada

These two countries provide approximately 45% of tourists arriving in the country

The plan starts this December 17 and will run until January 2016.

The Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT) will invest $3.3 million on an advertising campaign that will seek to strengthen the arrival of visitors from the United States and Canada. The plan starts this December 17 and will run until January 2016. Your target market are people who work ceaselessly in days that exceed eight hours and they do until during the weekends. These people were identified as "the best prospects for Costa Rica", a population of high income and educational level, committed to sustainability and, generally, seasoned travelers, according to the presentation of the project yesterday. Therefore, the campaign is called Save The Americans , in reference to that, as well as there are initiatives to save the animals, this type of proposal will help to "save" to American and Canadian subjected to overwork. The approach in these nations is that United States and Canada are the best suppliers of tourists to Costa Rica: North America (including Mexico) accounted for 48% of the passengers. Last year, only the United States provided 38% of the 2.4 million tourists who came to ground; that is to say, some 930,000 people, according to data from the web page of the ICT, based on the General Directorate of Migration. Meanwhile, Canada, meant a 6.6 %of the total that year.

Sector prepared. The president of the National Chamber of Tourism (Canatur), Paul Covers, said that the employers are prepared to meet a possible increase in the number of visitors as the campaign. According to Covers, Costa Rica should be getting a million more foreign travelers, which would generate 100,000 direct jobs and additional help to revive the domestic economy. Alejandro Castro, director of marketing of the ICT, explained that the investment in this plan represents about 20% of the total annual aimed at promotion. In addition, it responds to the demands of the private sector that is pressing to gamble more to the markets of greater weight in the visitation and, more demurely, with emerging as Brazil and Russia. According to Castro, of the 13,169 million attended the ICT in its budget for promotion, almost 50% was directed to the United States and Canada. Apart from the advertising campaigns, it fosters the participation in fairs and tours for specialised press. Campaign. The new strategy was designed by the agency 22 squared of the United States, although it was produced in Costa Rica. Its central axis is a video where several animals characteristic of the country invite us to visit. Will be available on YouTube, as well as in the social networks of the campaign and will be screened in cinemas in American cities, like Los Angeles, Seattle, Houston, San Diego and Dallas. The plan includes the launch of the page: www.savetheamericans.org, where customized trips will be offered and will indicate how much time would be needed in order for this to be done.




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