Rent a car en costa rica
In the dynamical tourist and business developing country like Costa Rica, lacking quick, comfortable and effective public transport services, rental cars become essential.
The foreign businessman needs to save time; the tourist wants to visit the volcanoes, the mountains, the beaches and rivers, and for that he wants independence; and a national executive or official needs to use the rent a car service, if their car is out of service.
The usefulness of car rental increases as the world becomes more competitive and dynamic. This is the formula to optimize the stay, especially when the distance of tourist destinations or companies to visit is substantial.
As society evolves, the rent a car industry perfects itself. If it’s a prestigious company, it will offer its clients a set of brand vehicles, in perfect state, suited for the client’s needs.
But the matter is no longer about arriving at the airport, looking for a rent a car company and seeing if there’s one that you like; today, the users plan their travels with a lot of advance, they see and analyze through the web the characteristics of each vehicle and choose the one that best suits their needs.
In Costa Rica, Rioja Rent a Car offers a set of new vehicles in optimal conditions. The client can know each vehicle’s characteristics, choose the one they like and decide where in the national territory to pick it up.
As a complement, Rioja Rent a Car also offers additional services, such as pre-paid mobile phones, optional insurances, bilingual driver, GPS, transfer and, obviously, 24/7 customer support to help you with any issues.
If you’re looking for a rent a car company in Costa Rica, you can find on our website a quick budget form which will make the booking of your vehicle easier; or you can also contact us through our e-mail at ventas@riojarentacar.com.
Make your booking with time. Tell us the day, hour and place where you’ll like to pick up the vehicle and it will be waiting for you there. We offer solutions suitable to your needs.