Luis Guillermo Solis supports draft energy with hydrogen of Franklin Chang

Luis Guillermo Solis supports draft energy with hydrogen of Franklin Chang Luis Guillermo Solis supports draft energy with hydrogen of Franklin Chang Luis Guillermo Solis supports draft energy with hydrogen of Franklin Chang

Chang said that Costa Rica might earn money with the export of such surplus energy

President Luis Guillermo Solis offered this morning total support to the project scientist and businessman Franklin Chang to develop systems that provide energy in the form of hydrogen.

Solis coincided with Chang in see advantages to hydrogen as a way to store and distribute energy obtained from the wind or the sun. The objective would be to use it to feed the cars as if outside petrol, but without contaminating, rudest in the country and with lower cost if will be used on a large scale. 
This was the theme of a gathering of more than two hours between Solis and exastronauta Chang at the premises of its Ad Astra Rocket company, in Liberia, where also advances the development of a plasma engine capable of facilitating transport space. 
The governor said that the option of hydrogen is plausible within the range of energy sources that are expected to address the scarcity and cost of energy in the country, in addition to helping to meet the goal of reducing pollution. 
The Costa Rican Oil refiner (Recope) already has an agreement with Ad Astra, to move forward in achieving containers of hydrogen, as a way to avoid wasted the solar or wind energy captured in times of low demand. 
Chang said that the country could earn money with the export of this excess energy. "The country store a lot of potential; we can be transformed in a hydrogen economy’, he told the scientist. 
