Airlines include the departure tax collection in their air tickets

Airlines include the departure tax collection in their air tickets Airlines include the departure tax collection in their air tickets Airlines include the departure tax collection in their air tickets

Measure only applies to travellers from june 15

Prior exemption is given when purchasing the ticket in the travel agency or airline

From next week the airlines American Airlines, Copa and US Airways will include in their air tiquites the recovery of $29 departure tax. The measure will only apply for those traveling from June 15 next. If the person flies before that date you must pay the tribute at the airport or at any branch of Bancredito. Rafael Sanchez, president of the Airline Association (ALA), explained that American and US Airways will include the departure tax on all tickets purchased from March 23. For its part, the Cup will incorporate between day 23 and March 27. Sanchez hopes that, in the next few days, most airlines incorporated the payment of the tribute in the next few weeks. Exoneration. The exoneration prior the departure tax only will be possible in the purchases made in the offices of the airlines or travel agencies in the national territory. Sanchez explained that Bancredito enabled a page where the agencies and airlines can see passports are exempted from the tribute, according to the Ministry of Finance. "Purchases of tickets through the web pages always contain the output tax, although the exonerated retains the right to request the refund before the Ministry of Finance to subsequently made the journey", said Sanchez.


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